Callaghan's Ridge Response
On April 11th 2019 the Room One and Room Eight students
that wanted to do the William Pike Challenge participated
on the Callaghan's Ridge walk.
Firstly I was in a car with the driver as Ms Kemp
( my teacher) and the students Jack, Wairini, Summer
and me.
When we got to the start of the walk we already had
our scavenger hunts in our hands. The scavenger
hunts we were given were things we had to find but
we had to show a parent before we found the item or
thing. I kept hearing the bird throughout the walk and
I recondised their different sounds to the birds. There
was things to find like the tomtit(miromiro) bird,
piwakawaka(fantail), bellbird, bracket fungi, blue
mushroom and other plants like the crown fern. In
my group I had my brother Jack and my best friend
Our term groups also had been told we have to make
a bivvy at lunch time about half way through the walk
to keep our team dry while having lunch. In my group
team I have had are Ethan, Aimee, David and Korban.
I also liked the sound the rain dripping loud and clear
above my head. Our parent helper Rowan helped us
and asked us question like where the best place will
be to build our bivvy. We figured out that if you want
all the water to run off the tarpoline then you need the
bivvy roof to be on a slope. My group sat quietly under
our bivvy and had our lunch. Soon Ms Kemp came
around and gave everyone a jelly frog which I was
thankful for.
On the walk our teacher told us that we were defiently
going to be getting rain on the track. I love to walk in
the rain but not many other people did and complained
about their feet being wet. The feeling of the wet soggy
and moist shoes is understandable for me and others.
The track the rain did effect us and the track alot. This
effected the track and us this way because it made the
parts where you thought were leaves when they were
leaves floating on top of water. The water from the rain
did not only make me step in huge puddles of unable to
see water it also made the mud on the ground of the
walk slippery and so many people slipped over or fell
on someone.
I part I most enjoyed/ liked was when my group team
had worked really well together on our bivvy and made
it a success. This was one of my favorutie because this
was my second time learning how to make a bivvy with
the supplies around us.
Next time we do a tramp I would suggest maybe to do the
Point Elizabeth walk. It isn't too hard or too easy and
I think it would be perfect for a group of people we
went with for Callaghan's. I have only done half of this
walk and I would like to walk the whole thing. This walk
doesn't take too long just about an hour and 45 minutes
but maybe longer because we have occasional stops to
keep the group up and for eating and drinking breaks.
All together I really really enjoyed this walk with Room
One, Room Eight, myself and the parents as well as
teachers.I would reccomend this work to anyone because
I think heaps of people could be capable of doing this
walk if they wanted to.
Welcome to my blog, I am a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Friday, 28 June 2019
Lake Daniell Tramp Response
Lake Daniell Response
On Wednesday the 12th of June Room One and Room Eight
had planned to go out on a tramp called Lake Daniell. Our
classes are doing this because we entered into the William
Pike Challenge again and this is one of the things we are
doing for it.
In the morning we all got told our car groups and both
classes headed in their car groups they got told they
were in and left to go to Reefton. In my car group there
| was Hannah, Nathan, Cailan, Hannah and Nathan’s dad
and obviously myself.
So Wayne, Hannah’s dad drove us towards Reefton. On
the car ride to Reefton Nathan and Cailan were being|
really funny and made the start of my day better
already. We finally got to Reefton. We all got out of
our cars and some of us went to the toilet and the
other people ran around through the bush. We had
to jump back into the car and headed for Springs
Now, everyone finally got to the start of the tramp.
Ms Kemp went through everyone and gave them a
number, mine was 22. We all did a count off and then
started the tramp. I walked with my friend Milan
and my brother Jack.
Walking through the tramp was really cool. There were
heaps of different kinds of Beech Trees and it was
interesting to see different types of plants. Everyone
was very supportive to others and helped them along
the way.
Ms Kemp also gave set group each a scavenger hunt to
do. In my scavenger group I had Milan and Brighid.
We all worked together to kind plants or animals on
the tramp like different trees and birds like the
South Island Kaka and the Long Tailed Bat.
Along the tramp people like Milan and Aimee said
that I had a nice t-shirt or either a nice bag. I
really enjoyed the way up to Lake Daniell it was
really nice and the lake was really cool. On the
way back my brother felt really sick and had
been twisting his ankles a lot, so I walked with
him the whole way back and helped him with anything.
Altogether I really enjoyed this tramp and I
recommend this to anyone who likes to go tramping
because its nice and easy and it’s good to get
outside and enjoy the world around us.
Beach Cookout
Beach Cookout
In Room One and Eight we are learning to
down to the Karoro Beach to do a beach cookout. There were
many parents and the teachers Ms Kemp and Mrs Maclean.
In my group I had Korban, David, Ethan and myself. Each
group had their own parent to help them. In my group we had
Angus Taylor as our parent. At this time of the year it is
Autumn so it is an open fire season.
For our team group we figured out what we wanted to cook
because someone said nacho's and we all agreed on cooking
them as well as pancakes. At our beach cookout we didn't
have set jobs we all just took turns doing somethings.
When our two classes walked down to the Karoro Beach we
were very close to Watson's Creek and the ocean at Tasman
Sea. To make our fire we used dry things like old mans beard
then kindling and last thick pieces of wood in a pyramid shape.
Our two classes went because so our teaching could see how
we work as a team, to have fun, for the William Pike Challenge
for a new experience and to build new outdoor skills.
Doing the beach cookout didn't really have any challenges
I thought we worked well as a team, but I managed to flip
a pancake easily.
I had a really good time down at the beach with my team and
I thought we worked very well together. If we could do this
again I would like to.
In Room One and Eight we are learning to
Design a menu suitable for cooking on a campfire
Keep within a $5 budget
Share the jobs and food provision fairly between team members
Bring along all equipment we need to cook with/on/in
Work cooperatively to cook our meal
down to the Karoro Beach to do a beach cookout. There were
many parents and the teachers Ms Kemp and Mrs Maclean.
In my group I had Korban, David, Ethan and myself. Each
group had their own parent to help them. In my group we had
Angus Taylor as our parent. At this time of the year it is
Autumn so it is an open fire season.
For our team group we figured out what we wanted to cook
because someone said nacho's and we all agreed on cooking
them as well as pancakes. At our beach cookout we didn't
have set jobs we all just took turns doing somethings.
When our two classes walked down to the Karoro Beach we
were very close to Watson's Creek and the ocean at Tasman
Sea. To make our fire we used dry things like old mans beard
then kindling and last thick pieces of wood in a pyramid shape.
Our two classes went because so our teaching could see how
we work as a team, to have fun, for the William Pike Challenge
for a new experience and to build new outdoor skills.
Doing the beach cookout didn't really have any challenges
I thought we worked well as a team, but I managed to flip
a pancake easily.
I had a really good time down at the beach with my team and
I thought we worked very well together. If we could do this
again I would like to.
How To Find The Volume Of A Plastic Shape
How To Find The Volume Of A Plastic Shape
WALT recoginse a cuboid and explain how to find out the volume of a shape.
This is a link to a video of Milan and I explaining how to find the volume of a cardboard box.
How To Find The Volume Of A Cardboard Box
How To Find The Volume Of An Object
WALT recoginse a cuboid and explain how to find out the volume of a shape.
This is a link to the video of Milan and I explaining how to find the volume of a cuboid.
room eight,
ruma waru,
term 2 2019,
How To Find The Volume Of A Lunch Box
How To Find The Volume Of An Object
WALT recoginse a cuboid and explain how to find out the volume of a shape.
This is the link to the video of Milan and I explaning how to find the volume of a lunch box.
room eight.,
ruma waru,
term 2 2019,
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
I Am Not Esther Book Review
Jennae Topliss Age 12
Room 8, Karoro School
I Am Not Esther
Fleur Beale
Don’t you just like a book with family, mysteries and thrillers? Then this is the right book for you.
This book is set in Auckland where Esther and her Mum lived, then for most of the story the book was set in Wanganui, New Zealand in 1998.
In this book there are main characters called Esther, Aunt Naomi and Uncle Caleb. Esther is a 13 year old teenager who lived with her mother before they both moved to Wanganui. That was when Esther met Uncle Caleb and Aunt Naomi.
“I Am Not Esther,”has genres like family, mysteries and thrillers. Thrillers are set throughout the book especially within the family. Family is definitely a theme because Esther has to live with a new one. There is also the mystery of discovering why her Mum left Esther.
Esther was living with her Mum in Auckland until her Mum decided to move to Wanganui. Esther’s mum had taken her to her brother's house. The next morning Esther realised that her
Mum’s suitcase was missing and that her Mum was gone. Esther was now left alone with this family she didn’t even know. How would she cope? What is she going to do?
Did you know that I am actually a Christian too. I know that most families don’t quite get along and mine is sometimes one of them.
My opinion of this book is that I think it was really good and it also made me keep reading it with interesting twists.I recommend this book to anyone of the age 12+. This book contains bad words and violent actions. I like this book because it has mysteries and thrillers in it and those are something I look for in a book to read myself.
Room 8, Karoro School
I Am Not Esther
Fleur Beale
Don’t you just like a book with family, mysteries and thrillers? Then this is the right book for you.
This book is set in Auckland where Esther and her Mum lived, then for most of the story the book was set in Wanganui, New Zealand in 1998.
In this book there are main characters called Esther, Aunt Naomi and Uncle Caleb. Esther is a 13 year old teenager who lived with her mother before they both moved to Wanganui. That was when Esther met Uncle Caleb and Aunt Naomi.
“I Am Not Esther,”has genres like family, mysteries and thrillers. Thrillers are set throughout the book especially within the family. Family is definitely a theme because Esther has to live with a new one. There is also the mystery of discovering why her Mum left Esther.
Esther was living with her Mum in Auckland until her Mum decided to move to Wanganui. Esther’s mum had taken her to her brother's house. The next morning Esther realised that her
Mum’s suitcase was missing and that her Mum was gone. Esther was now left alone with this family she didn’t even know. How would she cope? What is she going to do?
Did you know that I am actually a Christian too. I know that most families don’t quite get along and mine is sometimes one of them.
My opinion of this book is that I think it was really good and it also made me keep reading it with interesting twists.I recommend this book to anyone of the age 12+. This book contains bad words and violent actions. I like this book because it has mysteries and thrillers in it and those are something I look for in a book to read myself.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Maths Hexagon
Maths Hexagon
Today in maths Sasha, Hannah and I had been given a piece of paper with some triangles on it and we had to cut them all out and put the sides correctly together to make a shape. Each triangle had had answers to some questions and some sides had the questions. We had to match them all up and complete a shape. in the end we realised we had made a hexagon. This task was based on our area and perimeter maths work. Below is a picture of our finsihed piece.
Today in maths Sasha, Hannah and I had been given a piece of paper with some triangles on it and we had to cut them all out and put the sides correctly together to make a shape. Each triangle had had answers to some questions and some sides had the questions. We had to match them all up and complete a shape. in the end we realised we had made a hexagon. This task was based on our area and perimeter maths work. Below is a picture of our finsihed piece.
room eight,
ruma waru,
term 2,
term 2 019,
term two
Scratch Animation
Scratch Animation
In Room Eight we have
to learn how to use scratch. I have used scratch before and I have made several projects but I made one based on the comic strips I have been doing. This the phrase is " ka pai to panui" which means great reading. This is a link to a video I have screen recorded of my scratch work below as well as the video. ENJOY!
This is the animation and if its doesn't work there is the link you can click onto.
room eight,
ruma waru,
term 2 2019,
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Friday, 14 June 2019
The Umbles
The Umbles
“I am learning to notice the symptoms of hypothermia which is the four different umbles.”
What are the Fumbles? The fumbles are when a person could be clumsy or not knowing what is happening and dropping objects or could have a lack of coordination.
What are the Stumbles? The stumbles are when a person could be walking on flat ground and they could trip over without a reason.
- The hypothermia image is from the website“”
2) The angry emoji image is from the website “”
3) The non speaking image is from the website “”
Comic Strip Animation
In Room Eight we have
to learn how to use scratch. I have used scratch before and I have made several projects but I made one based on the comic strips I have been doing. This is a link to a video I have screen recorded of my scratch work
Saturday, 8 June 2019
Be With A Tree
This week for reading and writing we have been do challenges each day for the Be With A Tree event. For this we were suppose to choose a partner to work with, but I worked by myself. I worked by myself because my goal for this year is to be more independent. Below is my work for the 10 day challenge of Be With A Tree. Please leave a thoughtful, helpful and positive comment on my work.

What I said on the outline of the leaf was….
Trees are important to me because they are native to NZ.
I also know that trees are important because trees can actually
create types of air humans inhale.
This week for reading and writing we have been do challenges each day for the Be With A Tree event. For this we were suppose to choose a partner to work with, but I worked by myself. I worked by myself because my goal for this year is to be more independent. Below is my work for the 10 day challenge of Be With A Tree. Please leave a thoughtful, helpful and positive comment on my work.
- Meet a type of tree you haven’t met before. A tree that I never really look at or take the time to look at I just walk past it alot is the tree called the Pohutukawa Tree. We can also call this tree the New Zealand Christmas Tree.
- Find something living in the tree. Something that I found that was living in the Pohutukawa Tree was a honey bee. I have been seeing many honey bees lately around the Pohutukawa Tree flowers. I have also seen a couple birds like the Tui and the common sparrows.
- Play bark bingo. When I played bark bingo I had to find six different types of bark off a tree and set up a bingo board. I placed thedown on the ground and I chose three types and the other played picked tree barks as well. To play the bark bingo I had to put the names of the barks written on paper then put into a snaplock bag. One by one I pulled out a type of bark and I had to see if I had it.
- Meet a tree of significance. A tree of significance that I met was a Kowhai Tree. The Kowhai Tree is native to New Zealand and this tree attracts the Tui’s which is also a native bird to New Zealand. This tree is known for blooming their bright yellow flowers in the Winter or early Spring.
- Find a tree that provides us with food. A tree that can provide people with food is the Cabbage Tree. When there wasn’t much food back in the day people use to scrape off the bark and cook it up. Thescientific name for the Cabbage Tree is called Cordyline Australis.
- Vote for your hero tree.
I have voted for my hero tree and that one was a Kowhai Tree.
I love Kowhai tree because they are nice and bright with their
colour and they are native to New Zealand.
- Plant a tree or a seed ball. I actually have planted a tree in the past ten days for my mum. I was in Motueka for holiday and we went to one of my mum’s great uncles and he gave us heaps of seeds to plant a greengage tree. A greengage tree is just like a plum tree but the plums are green. I have planted two of these trees in my backyard for my mum.
- Find a non- living tree. I have a non living tree in my backyard actually. My mum loves photinia trees so we have heaps in our backyard. I looked out my bedroom window and seen a non living photinia tree behind me.
- Compare a rākau to the giant kauri Tāne Mahuta.
- Why do you think these tree are important? Write your thoughts on an outline of a leaf and send it to KCC to be apart of our tree sculpture.
What I said on the outline of the leaf was….
Trees are important to me because they are native to NZ.
Week Six Of Kupu Hou O Te Wiki
Kupu Hou O Te Wiki
In Room Eight we are learning to represent a te reo message through visual language. This week the teo reo maori phrase is "aroha mai." This phrase means sorry. We had to create a comic strip and create our own characters and include the te reo phrase of the week.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Triangle Area
Triangle and Area
We are learning how to find the area in triangles. We had to do a work sheet, then we had to draw some triangles in our maths book to match what the instructions said on the sheet. To figure out the area of something you go 1/2 of the base multiplied by the height.
Ko te Raapa tenei ra.,
room eight,
ruma waru,
term 2 2019,
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