Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Kupu Hou O Te Wiki

Week Four Of Kupu Hou O Te Wiki

In Room Eight we are learning to represent a te reo message through visual language. This week the teo reo maori phrase is "aroha mai." This phrase means sorry. We had to create a comic strip and create our own characters and include the te reo phrase of the week.
Success criteria
Create a comic strip character who will be used to carry your understanding of each phrase of the week.

Week Four of Term 2 my class is doing another week of our kupu (word/ phrase). The phrase for this week is " ka kite" which also means good bye. Below is a photo of my comic strip I have just finished doing and each person has to keep using their same characters so as you could tell I have been for the past 4 weeks.

This is a photo of my comic strip

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