Friday, 10 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey | Week Four

Week Four- Day One | Rags and Riches
Activity 1
For this activity, design a book cover for your favourite book. You will need to think about what needs to be on the cover (the title, author, illustrator), pictures, colour, etc. Please create all of the images yourself (draw or photograph) rather than using images that you find online.
On your blog, share the book cover you have designed.

Week Four- Day One| Romeo and Juliet
Activity 2
For this activity, we would like you to learn more about ‘Shakespearean English’ - the version of English that Shakespeare used to write his plays. To do this, please write a short recount about what you did this morning in regular (2019) English, and then use this translating tool to turn it into Shakespearean English.

English version:
This morning I woke up to the sound of my Mum asking me to hang the washing. My eyes open, rotating with my legs hanging heavily over the edge of the bed. I begin to walk down to the lounge, going the long way through the kitchen. A note was on the dishwasher. ‘Clean’. This means that the dishes inside the dishwasher are clean and that I can put them away. Once I had put them away I began to rinse the dirty dishes and put them into the dishwasher. After that, I then remembered its Monday and I have the three activities to do for the Summer Learning Journey, so I begin to work.
Shakespearean version:
This morning I did wake up to the soundeth of mine own mum asking me to hangeth the washing.  Mine own eyes open, rotating with mine own forks hanging heavily over the edge of the sleep chamber.  I beginneth to walketh down to the lounge, going the longest way through the kitchen. A note wasted on the dishwasher.  ‘clean’. This means yond the dishes inside the dishwasher art crisp and beyond i can putteth those folk hence. Once i hadst putteth those folk hence i beganeth to rinseth the filthy dishes and putteth those folk into the dishwasher.  After yond, i then remember'r'd its monday and i has't the three activities to doth f'r the summer learning journey, so i beginneth to work

Week Four- Day One | The Diary Of Anne Frank
Activity 3
For this activity, we would like you to imagine that you have a diary. In your diary please write a story about your most  extraordinary day. What happened? You can tell us about an actual event or you can make one up. It’s totally up to you! Please be as creative as you can.
On your blog, post a diary entry about your extraordinary day. Please start your post with the words “Dear Diary”.

  Dear Diary,
Today I am scheduled to do something very scary and exciting at the same time. Can you guess what it is? Yes, It’s bungee jumping. My diary sits in my lap with my pencil writing these words along with the paper. My Mum puts the key in the ignition, and the engine roars. The car begins to move, slowly then gradually getting faster.
I lifted up my head and had taken a deep breath. I had seen the sign. “ Bungee jumping is open”. I walked past the sign and then up to the jumping spot. My mother and I walked over to the workers and said we have a booking. They took me in and geared me up. I stood on the edge of the platform, my heart beating out of my chest. Moving my right foot forward, diving below. The cool breeze brushes against my skin, a wide grin come across my face. The rope tightens, and I begin to be hoisted up. This wasn’t as bad as I thought, in fact, it was terrific!
Week Four- Day Two | Getting Stronger
Activity 1
For this activity, please give us a list of your ‘Top 5’ favourite artists (singers or bands) and your ‘Top 5’ favourite songs. They can be from any time period and any genre (type) of music.
On your blog, post lists of your Top 5 Artists and your Top 5 Songs.
There are several songs and artists I listen to that I could choose from. If I had to pick five of my favourite artists they would be …
  • Noah Cyrus
  • Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
  • Ruel
  • Queen
  • Shawn Mendes
    My top five favorite songs are …
  • Bohemian Rhapsody ( Queen)
  • Dazed and Confused ( Ruel)
  • Same Love ( Macklemore and Ryan Lewis)
  • July (Noah Cyrus)
  • Painkiller ( Ruel)

Week Four- Day Two | K-pop heroes
Activity 2
For this activity, please watch this CBS Sunday Morning Special about BTS.
On your blog, tell us your opinion on BTS. Please don’t just say whether or not you like them, but tell us what it is that you like (or don’t like) about them.
Watching this video of the K-pop group was pretty interesting. K-pop is a group of seven men in their 20’s who write songs, and perform in front of people. This group of people is actually the first Korean K-pop ever to release songs and that's what like about them. These people are different, growing up they wanted to be song artists so that is what they have done. K-pop is also known for them singing songs in the Korean language as well as english.
Week Four- Day Two | Girl Power
Activity 3
For this activity, we would like to choose one role model and tell us about them. What makes them a role model? They can be people you know personally, people you have seen on television or the internet, people you have heard on the radio or people you have heard about from a friend of family member. You do not have to know them personally.
On your blog, tell us about your chosen role model. Please be sure to tell us why you think they are a role model.
If I had to choose one person who I believe is a role model I would choose my older sister.
To me my older sister has always been a great role model. I believe my sister is a great role model because she is naturally a nice person. My sister always gives up her time to help others. Whether this means her own job or helping out with little things around the house, she still is an amazing person. My sister has just turned into an adult and finishing her last year of high school. Throughout her high school years she has set so many goals. I always had seen her working hard every night at the kitchen table asking me for help with things and my parents too. My sister's hard work has paid off with many awards and soon off to university. Recently my sister had not only finished high school,  she had also just gotten her restricted license. I am very proud of my sister and there are great things she has done that prove that she is a great role model.

Week Four- Day Three | Talk Show Host
Activity 1
For this activity, we would love to know more about your interests (passions) and your future plans. What do you think that you would like to do when you are older? Do you have a specific job in mind?
On your blog, please tell us about your future plans (i.e. what you plan to do when you finish high school or college). Would you prefer to start working right away or to continue with your studies?
After high school and college ( university), I have many things I could do in mind. A couple weeks ago I had just finished my last year of primary school and soon I will be starting high school. I have several passions such as music, writing, sports, and science. I believe that I could do any of these, but I’m not certain what I want to do just yet. Going through high school I assume, people would make their decision on what they want to do with their future when they learn/ study different things and new experiences. I still have five more years of school to start making my decisions on what I want to do. There are a few things I want to study and along the years I would do little things that would build on it as well as studying it in my free time.

Week Four- Day Three | Plot Points
Activity 2
For this activity, imagine that you had the chance to write your own movie. What would it be about? Who would be your main characters? What are the important events that would take place?
On your blog, provide a synopsis (overview) of your movie. In particular, tell us the name of your movie, the main events that take place in your movie and the names of the main characters. If you wish, you could do this as a storyboard.
If I got the choice of writing my own movie I would have it to do with murder and mystery. The movie would be about a group of girls who are getting anonymous texts and weird things are happening. Like random people going missing and different murders. The main characters in my movie would the small group of highschool girls who are getting these messages. The important events in the movie could be the texts, murders, fights and even betrayal. The name of the movie could be ‘The Unfortunate’. Some names of characters could be Bethany, Hanna, Sammi and Ali.
Week Four- Day Three |
Activity 3
For this activity, we would like to know if you would consider doing a 20 or 40 Hour Famine to raise money for charity.
On your blog, tell us whether, or not, you would participate in 20 or 40 Hour Famine. If you have already participated in a 20 or 40 Hour Famine, please share your experience, including why you decided to participate and some highlights and challenges of the experience. To get full points, please provide at least six sentences.
Reading what I have to do to complete this task has made me wonder if I actually would do this. Going 20-40 hours without food, for me, isn’t the end of the world  and many people do this anyway and even longer. I can survive quite a long time without food so this challenge wouldn’t be hard for me at all. The longest I survived without food was a little more than two days when I was sick, but I still stayed hydrated. Not eating food for this long wouldn’t affect me because I usually don't eat much during the day, a little meal at breakfast sometimes but not much until dinner time. If I had the choice to participate in a 20 to 40 hour famine I probably most likely would. Would you give it a try?
Week Four- Day Four | Fashion forward
Activity 1
For this activity, please read this article about where some famous New Zealand brands got their names from. Brand names are very important to companies as this is how they are known. On your blog, tell us how Twenty Seven Names got their name. Looking at their clothing brand, tell us whether you think this is a good name for them, or if they should change it to something else! To find out where this clothing brand had got the name from I easily went onto their website. Searing through pages and pages until I found a page called ‘ about’. The about page was talking about who first got into the fashion industry and also about where they had got the name for the shop. I kept reading searching for why they named the clothing shop ‘ Twenty Seven Names’, and I found it. Inside the paragraph, it said, ‘the label name is a homage to the list of 27 people who helped to get their labels off the ground’.  I actually quite like the idea of the name and where they got it from. I believe this is quite a special name because, without the 27 people who helped, no one would have heard about their shop. 
Week Four - Day Four | Try Your Own Tapa
Activity 2
For this activity please create your own tapa cloth design. You can draw your design on paper or using a drawing app such as Google Draw.
On your blog, post an image (photo or screenshot) or your tapa design and describe what each part of your picture represents (means).

Above is a tara design I had made. As you can tell there is a turtle in the middle of the design which represents a navigator. The patterned korus around the edge of the piece of paper represents the waves in the ocean.  I had to think about how the turtle and the korus linked together, and I found out the meaning behind the tara design. This design shows the turtle as the navigator showing the waka to New Zealand.
Week Four- Day Four | Top Secret Street Art
Activity 3
For this activity, take a look at the Christchurch street art website and choose two different pieces of artwork. Look carefully at both pieces of art, and identify similarities and differences between the two.
On your blog, post screenshots of the two different pieces of art that you have chosen. Below the pictures tell us about the similarities and differences that you see in the two pieces of street art.

Looking at these two artworks I can see many differences and similarities. The obvious difference between the two is that one has lips with lettering and the other one is a group of rabbits running through a field of grass. When I look at the pictures I also see the difference | of colours that were used. Something that was similar between them both was the little detail. I also realised by looking at the two that the artwork to the right has a happy feeling, but the artwork to the left has a different feeling or story behind it. 

Week Four- Day Five | The World of Hiphop
Activity 1
For this activity, watch this video of their award winning performance. What do you like about the performance? What did the dance crew do well? What could they work on?
On your blog, write a review of The Royal Family performance. Please talk about the dance, dancers, costumes, and the music. What did you like? What didn’t you like as much? What do you think could have been improved?
I tried getting onto this video on youtube but it wouldn’t let me due to restricted mode.

Week Four- Day five | En pointe
Activity 2
For this activity, please choose your favourite inspirational quote from this website. Create a text graphic using this quote.
On your blog, share your text graphic and underneath it, explain what it means to you.
This quote, created by Dr. Seuss has a pretty big meaning to me. There are people out there in the world who are different than the rest and are being judged for it. Some people are worried about what others might think of them if they aren’t the same as everyone else so they try and fit it. This quote for me means, be different and don’t let anyone take that away from you.

Week Four- Day five | Concluding the Journey
Activity 3
For this activity, please reflect on your experience with the Summer Learning Journey programme this year.
On your blog please tell us:
  1. Which activity you enjoyed the most
  2. Which activity you enjoyed the least
  3. Three things that you learned while completing the programme
  4. What changes/improvements you would make to the programme for next year
The activity I enjoyed the most was probably the work I had done about my mum and her dream job. I’m not quite sure why it was my favorite maybe because I got to learn more things about my Mum and what she wants.
The activity I enjoyed the least; I don’t think they're actually was one. Some activities took more time than the rest and some were more challenging but I easily enjoyed doing every task/ activity.
Three things that I learned from doing the Summer Learning Journey are probably to push myself more, keep the standards of your work at my year level and in every activity, there was always something new I had learned.

If I had to make any changes or improvements to the Summer Learning Journey for next year, I probably wouldn’t. This is my second year participating in the SLJ and I have enjoyed a lot. I believe that nothing needs to be changed, it was great!


  1. Kia ora Jennae,

    It’s Leisha here again! Amazing Jennae! You should be very proud of yourself for completing the entire Summer Learning Journey 2019/2020 programme! We are all extremely proud of you and all of the effort and attention to detail you have put in.

    I really like the book cover you have designed. I can tell you are a very talented artist. Scarlet Ivy is an interesting title. What is this story about? Why is it one of your favourite books? If I were to read this to my year 3 and 4 class this year, do you think they would enjoy it?

    Turning your writing into Shakespearean English is quite fun isn’t it! :) I really enjoyed reading your recount in both English and Shakespearean English. Did you enjoy this activity? It is also amazing to read how helpful you are to your mum. I am sure she really appreciates you helping her out with jobs around the house too.

    Wow! Bungy jumping! Was this a real event or a made up event? This was a wonderful read. I really liked the way you described how it felt during the bungy “cool breeze brushes against my skin, a wide grin across my face”. I can imagine what it would feel like standing on the edge of the platform and I can feel my heart beating faster with the thought of it! I have never been bungy jumping before, and don’t think it is something I could ever do. What about you?

    Thank you for all of the hard work you have put in to complete the SLJ this year Jennae. You should be very proud of all that you have done and achieved. I was really touched to hear that your favourite activity was to hear about your mums dream job because you got to learn more things about her and what she wants. I am so glad you enjoyed the programme.

    It has been a pleasure to comment on your blog over the last few weeks. Enjoy the rest of your summer holidays! Keep safe and have lots of fun!


    1. Hey Leisha,
      Thank you so much for the positive comment you have given me on my work.

      The story Scarlet and Ivy is a book series starting with the first book called ' The Lost Twin'. It's about these two twins who were separated and the older one went to a boarding type of school, but Ivy was left at home. Ivy and her Aunt Phoebe were told she died or went missing but they never quite believed it. One day a letter came in the mail and Ivy was accepted to go to Rookwood school. When Ivy showed up she wasn't given the warmest welcome, she was told to replace her twin sister Scarlet, and to never be Ivy again at that school. When Ivy went into her dorm room she felt something weird on her back, it was very uncomfortable so she had a look under the mattress, and there it was Scarlet's diary. The diary was full of stories that lead Ivy on a scavenger hunt around the school during the day and during the night. Once Ivy had figured everything out she went to the principal, telling her everything Scarlet had wrote about her and was demanded by Ivy to show her where Scarlet was with Miss Finch too ( her dance teacher). Ivy and Scarlet reunited again and Scarlet was back at last at the school.

      I have always wanted to go bungy jumping, but I don't think it would that easy for me to try. Most people are scared of heights, but I'm not at all. How about you, are you scared of heights? This story was a made-up event.

      How are your holidays going? Do you have any plans?

      Jennae :))

  2. Kia ora Jennae,

    What an amazing list of Artists and songs you have shared. Queen are such a great band for singing along too, so many classic songs, it’s hard not to get emotional when listening to Bohemian Rhapsody. I only just discovered Ruel, but Dazed and confused is a great song too.

    BTS are a really interesting boy-band. I like that they are all friends who grew up making music together, and now they all live in the same house, it’s very cute. Wow, they must also be very talented to write and sing songs in both English and Korean. Do you think they will ever come to perform in New Zealand?

    Good on you for choosing your sister as your role model! I think it is pretty cool how she has inspired you. Helping others is a really thoughtful quality to have, your sister sounds like a really nice person. I don’t have any sisters, but I do have 3 brothers and they all inspire me in different ways. My oldest brother is really intelligent, and he inspires me to ask questions and to be curious.

    Does your sister know that she is your role model? You should tell her, or encourage her to read your blog!

    Well done on completing the Summer Learning Journey activities! You must be feeling very proud. Do you think you will keep on blogging over the summer anyway?

    Thanks again for sharing all your posts, they were a delight to read :)


    1. Hey Beren,

      I'd have to agree with you, the BTS boy band was really interesting to learn about. I wouldn't know if BTS would actually perform in New Zealand at some stage. What do you think, will BTS ever perform in New Zealand?

      No, a matter of fact my older sister doesn't know she is one of my role models. I have talked to her about all the things she does and she helps other people but I don't thinks he has clicked on yet. Myself encouraging her to read my blog, I wonder what she might say. What does your oldest brother do as in work?

      I have enjoyed very much doing the Summer Learning Journey these past two years and they have helped with my tests at the start of the year, my teachers said so. Next week I'm actually going to Quinneys Bush ( 40 minutes away from Nelson) with my friend and her family for a week. After finishing the SLJ I think Im going to continue doing comments on other blogs and replying to the ones on my own blog, but not anymore posting. These past four weeks as soon as I wake up I would do the three activities, but now I think I need to spend time with my friends and family.

      Have a fun rest of the holidays.


    2. Hey Jennae,

      How are your holidays going?

      Apparently BTS actually came to New Zealand in September last year for a holiday! But it was all kept secret so they could remain anonymous. There is talk that they will perform here, but it hasn't been confirmed.

      My older brother does lots of random jobs for work! He sells bar-codes online, designs websites, and also does some gardening/landscaping. What about your sister? When she finishes School what will she do?

      I am so glad that the Summer Learning Journey has helped with your literacy! It's great that you are doing some commenting, there are lots of amazing bloggers out there who would really appreciate your commenting.

      Take care,

  3. Hi Jennae

    Congratulations for completing all 60 activities for the SLJ for this summer. You have done such an amazing job, the standard of your posts has been outstanding the whole way through. You should be very proud of yourself for all of the hard work that you have put in.
    Jennae you are a star!

    Day Four activities.

    Your research on the label twenty seven names is very interesting. I have never heard of this label before. I must go and have a look at it. I think that the way they have come up with their name is really awesome. It gives real meaning to those people who all helped to vreate the company.
    Your tapa design that you have drawn is great. I am so pleased to hear that you have researched the meaning behind it as well. You have done a really great job of drawing it. The turtle is fantastic. I like that you have linked the turtle to showing the waka the way to discover New Zealand. Well done Jennae!

    The street art is very interesting. I have to agree with you about feeling happy about the one on the left as it does have a happy feel to it. The one on the left has quite a story I think. It would be very interesting to actually speak to the artist as to what they were thinking when they painted it.

    We have all had a great time commenting on your posts over the summer and are so pleased that you enjoyed doing the SLJ for the second summer and that you wouldn't change anything! It is a great programme!

    I will see you soon when I return to Karoro School with certificates and prizes. I look forward to seeing you soon.
    Enjoy the rest of the holidays, enjoy the sunshine and spending time with your family and your friends.

    See you soon

    Allie :)

  4. Kia ora Allie,

    Thank you very much for the positive comment you left on my blog. I am really going to miss doing the SLJ and meeting new people and looking at their blogs. Doing the SLJ has helped a lot with me in school and also has brought me more knowledge about certain things I learned about.

    How are your holidays going? Did you have any plans to go someplace?

    Once again, thank you Allie!

    Jennae :))

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Molly,

    Thank you for the positive comment on my blog. Are you doing the SLJ too this year? What do you think of it? I'd love to hear all about your work on your blog, so I will definitely check that out.

    Again, thank you Molly!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.