Unexpected Holiday
“Wake Up James , wake up Ben!” yelled Mum. We suddenly jumped to the sound of our
mother's loud screeching voice. We both sat up looking strangely at her while our short
brunette hair was all messy. “What is it?” asked Ben.
mother's loud screeching voice. We both sat up looking strangely at her while our short
brunette hair was all messy. “What is it?” asked Ben.
“Your dad and I have a surprise for you,” suggested Mum.
“What kind of surprise?” asked James.
Mum didn’t reply, so we both got out of our beds and followed Mum down the stairs into
the kitchen. “You two can have pancakes for breakfast today!” suggested Mum. They both
kept silent. While she was making breakfast the boys. were trying to figure what the surprise
was. “Is it a puppy, or could it be an early birthday present?” suggested James.
the kitchen. “You two can have pancakes for breakfast today!” suggested Mum. They both
kept silent. While she was making breakfast the boys. were trying to figure what the surprise
was. “Is it a puppy, or could it be an early birthday present?” suggested James.
Mum then put their pancakes on a plate in front of them giving us both a fright. They dug into
the pancakes straight away, I could tell James and I were both hungry. The last pieces of the
pancakes went down our throats. Once we had finished we both looked up at Mum. “Alright
follow me,” asked Mum.
the pancakes straight away, I could tell James and I were both hungry. The last pieces of the
pancakes went down our throats. Once we had finished we both looked up at Mum. “Alright
follow me,” asked Mum.
We followed Mum into the lounge area. There was two cards on the ground. On the cards had
out names on them. We sat down in front of our cards. “ Open them up!” said Mum. We started
to open our cards up. There was a folded piece of paper in both of our cards, we looked at each
other with suspicion. We both opened our pieces of paper they were plane tickets!
out names on them. We sat down in front of our cards. “ Open them up!” said Mum. We started
to open our cards up. There was a folded piece of paper in both of our cards, we looked at each
other with suspicion. We both opened our pieces of paper they were plane tickets!
We both were excited and gave her a hug! “Thank you Mum!” said Ben. “Thank you Mum!”
said James. We were too excited to even read the ticket so we sat back down and read the
plane tickets. “Were going to Hawaii!” shouted Ben. “
said James. We were too excited to even read the ticket so we sat back down and read the
plane tickets. “Were going to Hawaii!” shouted Ben. “
The plane was scheduled to leave at 11:00 am so I would start packing if I was you,” stated
Mum. We both hurried upstairs got changed and starting packing by throwing everything Ben
and I needed. By now we finished at 10:43am. We hurried down the stairs with our huge
suitcases. We then jumped into the car with Mum and dad to the airport.
Mum. We both hurried upstairs got changed and starting packing by throwing everything Ben
and I needed. By now we finished at 10:43am. We hurried down the stairs with our huge
suitcases. We then jumped into the car with Mum and dad to the airport.
Mum stopped outside of the airport Ben and I jumped out of the car got our suitcases and said
our goodbyes. We now headed for the airport door with our suitcases trailing behind us.
our goodbyes. We now headed for the airport door with our suitcases trailing behind us.
”Hey Ben look there’s a plane,” yelled James.
“That's not a plane, that’s a.. Nothing,” replied Ben
“HA! tricked you” replied James.
“This was going to be the best holiday ever, especially without our parents,” mentioned Ben.
They sat down at their gate waiting for the time to hit 11:00am. They waited impatiently. BEEP
BEEP! “It’s 11:00 am,” shouted James looking at his watch. They went up to the counter gave
the lady their tickets and went through security and they were all set.
They sat down at their gate waiting for the time to hit 11:00am. They waited impatiently. BEEP
BEEP! “It’s 11:00 am,” shouted James looking at his watch. They went up to the counter gave
the lady their tickets and went through security and they were all set.
They walked down the hallway into the plane looking at there tickets saying they were sitting
right next to each other. They walked over to their seats.” I dibs the window seat,” Ben
commented. They both threw themselves on their seats. It’s going to be a 13 hour flight so we
need some sleep, “ said James. So Ben and James fell asleep. James woke up to a rumble and
the plane moving up and down rapidly. He woke up Ben, they both looked scared. Suddenly
the life jackets from the roof fell down and the breathing masks.
right next to each other. They walked over to their seats.” I dibs the window seat,” Ben
commented. They both threw themselves on their seats. It’s going to be a 13 hour flight so we
need some sleep, “ said James. So Ben and James fell asleep. James woke up to a rumble and
the plane moving up and down rapidly. He woke up Ben, they both looked scared. Suddenly
the life jackets from the roof fell down and the breathing masks.
unexpectedly. The plane fell into the Pacific Ocean, filling up with water. The emergency
exit was cracked open at this moment the plane was ¼ full with water. “Grab your life jacket
James!” yelled Ben. They both pushed their way through the water to the emergency exit and
pushed it open and swam out. They quickly put their life jackets on and floated to the surface.
“That was close!” stated Ben.
“What caused that?” asked James.
“I’m not sure, I think the plane ran out of fuel or there was something wrong with the engine
because it fell quite quickly,” mentioned Ben. “ By then there was only a couple of people apart
from us that got out alive. There was one girl about 7 years old and a older teenager with her.
because it fell quite quickly,” mentioned Ben. “ By then there was only a couple of people apart
from us that got out alive. There was one girl about 7 years old and a older teenager with her.
“Omg look!” shouted James.
“What is it?” asked Ben.
“It’s an island!” shouted James.
“Quick lets swim over,” yelled Ben.
The young girl and her older sister must of heard Ben and James and followed them. The four
of them swimmed over to the island. When they all reached the island Ben and James realised
they followed them there. Ben and James went over to the 2 girls and introduced themselves.
of them swimmed over to the island. When they all reached the island Ben and James realised
they followed them there. Ben and James went over to the 2 girls and introduced themselves.
“Hi I’m Ben and this is my brother James we are both 14 years old,” said Ben.
“Hi my name is Emily, Im 13 and my little sister here Olivia is 7,” mentioned Emily. “Do you
know if anyone else is on this island?” asked Emily.
know if anyone else is on this island?” asked Emily.
“I'm not sure,” replied James.
“Why don’t we all look?”asked Ben.
“Okay!” replied Emily.
“Were going to be stuck here for a while aren’t we,” Olivia mentioned unenthusiastically.
“Hold on, is that smoke up there?” asked Emily. Dark grey smoke was rising into the sky.
“There must be a house with a chimney somewhere,” mentioned James. The four of them
followed to where the smoke was coming from. They walked through bushes and found a
small cabin.
followed to where the smoke was coming from. They walked through bushes and found a
small cabin.
“Do we knock on the door?” asked Ben.
“I guess we should give it a try,” said James.
Olivia, James, Ben and Emily all walked up the ramp to the front door. Emily knocked on the
door. BANG! The door swung open an old frightening man answered the door. “What are you
guys doing here?” questioned the man.
door. BANG! The door swung open an old frightening man answered the door. “What are you
guys doing here?” questioned the man.
“The four of us had just been in a plane crash in the ocean and we swam over to this island and
found this cabin. Can you help us please?” questioned James.
found this cabin. Can you help us please?” questioned James.
“Okay quick come on in,” hurried the man.
“What’s your name?” asked Olivia.
“My name is Mark, what’s your names?” replied Mark.
“Im Ben and this is my twin brother James,” muttered Ben.
“Im Emily and this is my younger sister Olivia,” added Emily.
“So what happened out on the plane?” questioned Mark.
“Olivia, Emily , Ben and I were on a plane to go to Hawaii when unexpectedly the plane driver
yelled HOLD TIGHT! so we did.
yelled HOLD TIGHT! so we did.
We came down from the sky in seconds, the plane started to fill up with water. We were all
scared. Ben and I had saw that the emergency door was cracked open and we swam out along
with Emily and Olivia. We then swam to the surface and spotted an island close by and came
here,”told James.
scared. Ben and I had saw that the emergency door was cracked open and we swam out along
with Emily and Olivia. We then swam to the surface and spotted an island close by and came
here,”told James.
“I'm so sorry for what happened, was there anyone else that got out alive?” asked Mark.
“Well Olivia and I heard James tell Ben there was an island so we followed them I don’t think
there was anyone one else out there,” told Emily.
there was anyone one else out there,” told Emily.
“You guys must be freezing, do you want me to get you guys some new clothes?” asked Mark.
Mark had left the room to get us some clothes from his bedroom.
“Do you think we should trust him?” whispered Olivia.
“He seems nice and understands us but we need to careful,” replied Ben.
Mark then strolled quickly back into the lounge area. “Here are your clothes quickly put them
on! Yelled Mark.
on! Yelled Mark.
They all grabbed clothes each and threw their wet clothes onto the fire guard for them to dry.
Olivia then asked “do you have a phone or any service that we can use to call our Mum and
Olivia then asked “do you have a phone or any service that we can use to call our Mum and
“No I suppose I don’t sorry,” said Mark. James then sighed quietly.
“Do you think we can stay here for a while?” asked Ben.
“Um.. sure!,”Mark said enthusiastically.
“Thank you,” replied Ben.
Two weeks later, James, Olivia, Ben, and Emily still haven’t found a way to contact their
parents yet. “Omg why haven’t we thought of this yet,” screamed James.
parents yet. “Omg why haven’t we thought of this yet,” screamed James.
“What! what is it?” asked Emily and Ben at the same time.
“We could write a message on the beach with rocks because I have noticed helicopters flying
past a lot,” explained James.
past a lot,” explained James.
“You’re right!” yelled Emily.
“How do we know this is going to work,” asked Olivia.
“We won’t know until we try it!” said Ben.
James told Mark about their idea so they quickly ran down to the beach.
Sarah and Olivia had gathered up reasonable amount of big rocks to use for the message.
“What is the message going to say?” asked Emily.
“What is the message going to say?” asked Emily.
Ben then replied, “how about rescue us?”
“Thats a good one, we will try that,” said Olivia.
As Emily and Olivia were gathering more rocks and plonking them on the ground, Ben and
James were placing rocks down on the hot orange sand making a message. Emily and Olivia
finished collecting enough rocks and Ben and James were still making the message. Five
minutes later Ben and James had finished with the message saying “rescue us.” The letters
were huge so anyone could see what we were trying to say.
James were placing rocks down on the hot orange sand making a message. Emily and Olivia
finished collecting enough rocks and Ben and James were still making the message. Five
minutes later Ben and James had finished with the message saying “rescue us.” The letters
were huge so anyone could see what we were trying to say.
“Was that a helicopter I could hear?” muttered Emily.
“Yes it is! Wake up! get out of bed,” yelled Ben. Emily, Olivia and James all got out of bed and
walked out the door. They all looked up at the sky to see if the helicopter was landing but it
wasn’t it kept going. The four of them all heard several helicopters fly past but none came
down to rescue them.
walked out the door. They all looked up at the sky to see if the helicopter was landing but it
wasn’t it kept going. The four of them all heard several helicopters fly past but none came
down to rescue them.
Emily sighed, “this isn’t going to work there has to be another way.”
“I’ve got it!” screamed Olivia.
“What's your idea? asked James.
“We could paint the rocks red so its more visible, I saw some red paint under the deck the other
day.” explained Olivia.
day.” explained Olivia.
“For once you have a good idea!” said Emily.
“Oh shut up! yelled Olivia.
“Okay quick grab the paint, I will find a paint brush,” said James.
The four of them all went down to the beach their message was still there but they need to hurry
and paint it. “Quick lets go before another helicopter flies past,” suggested Emily. James bent
down to the rocks with his paintbrush and lightly stroked red paint like blood on the rocks.
and paint it. “Quick lets go before another helicopter flies past,” suggested Emily. James bent
down to the rocks with his paintbrush and lightly stroked red paint like blood on the rocks.
“Okay its all done, let's just wait until a helicopter flies over,” suggested Ben.
Ben, James, Emily and Olivia walked back to the cabin when suddenly they heard a distant
noise of wind bouncing off the helicopters prepalers.
noise of wind bouncing off the helicopters prepalers.
“Was that what I think it is?” asked Olivia.
“Quick run!” yelled Ben.
The four of them sprinted down to the beach shore line and waved their hands to try and
wave the helicopter down.
wave the helicopter down.
“Please help us” screamed James.
Mark knew why the helicopter was here so Mark was down at the beach as well.
“It looks like the paint really showed up, because the helicopter looks like its landing,”
suggested Mark.
suggested Mark.
“Omg we can get out of here! yelled Emily surprisingly.
“WOO HOO! screamed Ben, at the top of his lungs.
The helicopter landed on the ground. Emily, Olivia, Ben and James all ran over to the pilot.
“Do you guys need help? asked the pilot.
“Yes please! everyone said altogether.
“Okay jump in and find a seat,” said the pilot.
Emily, and Ben jumped into the plane first and took their seats, James and Olivia had followed
“Where are yous from? asked the pilot.
“James and I are from San Andreas,” suggested Ben.
“So are we!, yelled Emily.
“Okay, well that's easy I actually am heading that way,” mentioned the pilot.
“Mark! Are your coming!” asked Emily.
“No, no I will stay here. I live here now,” suggested Mark.
“Thank you for everything you done to help us,” mentioned James.
The helicopter took off in the direction of San Andreas.
Six and a Half hours later…
We arrived in San Andreas and the pilot contacted our parents and told them everything
and are meeting us at the airport.
and are meeting us at the airport.
The pilot slowed down and landed at the airport. We all jumped out of the helicopter and
raced like gazelles into the airport. James and Ben’s Mum and Dad were there and they both
ran up to their parents and gave them a huge hug.
raced like gazelles into the airport. James and Ben’s Mum and Dad were there and they both
ran up to their parents and gave them a huge hug.
“We are never letting you guys go on your own anywhere again!”cried Mum and Dad.
Emily and Olivia's parents gave them both a huge hug as well.
Their families had both lived happily ever after.
The End
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