Friday 27 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey | Week Two- Day Five ( Activities 1, 2 and 3)

Week Two- Day Five |  Everyday heroes
Activity 1
For this activity, please brainstorm at least five ways we could support the people who are affected by the fires in New South Wales, Australia. You could think of ways to raise money, things to send them, and ways to keep them feeling positive.
On your blog, share your brainstorm of ideas and create a video or audio recording of yourself explaining each idea.
Watching the news and reading articles and newspapers about what is happening to our world ( in particular Australia) is devastating and people like me who aren’t affected need to send help straight away. The fires are spreading, houses are burning down, and people are losing everything they have. So we need to make a difference and help these people.

When you lose something, in this case your house, you need money to get some of that back. Raising money is a great idea and something we should start with to help. 
How can we raise money?
You know those plastic containers at your local supermarkets with a picture of an animal, this is a donation box. This is where people can choose to drop in any amount of money they want to help anyone or anything in need.
In my town, we have a place called the Warehouse. When you get to the checkout where you pay for your items, every now and then the staff members ask if you would like to donate $2 to some type of charity to help something or someone’s. We could do something like that to get people to know that there are people out there in the world who need our help, and for them to at least think about donating some type of money would be fine.
My next idea on how we could raise money is by television ads. Spreading a message or a video countrywide or worldwide would be a fantastic idea. How can we raise money by a television ad? Well, that’s easy! Inside of the ad, there could be a link at the bottom of the screen to where you can go and donate money online. I haven’t seen anything like this before, but it wouldn’t hurt to try it out.
When certain people or a certain person is going through a rough time, they need support more than anything. What I mean by support is being there for them and just helping them. When feeling down, when that one person helps and supports you  it feels great doesn’t it , just to have someone by your side. How would you think it would feel to have most of the world supporting you?

When being in a rough state, they least you need it negativity. Have you ever been given negativity when you are in a rough state? I have, and no one else should experience that too. When you meet these people or you know them, do not give them any negativity, give them positivity. Say things like ‘everything will be okay’ or ‘don’t give up, your almost there!’. Saying things like this always puts a smile on someone's face and makes them feel that little bit better about the situation they are involved with. Even giving things like compliments makes them feel better about themselves, and if they aren’t happy, help them be happy.
There is nothing as good as been given some type of gift. When I am given a gift or a card, I am always extremely grateful for it because I don’t get many. When been given something, does it make you feel special in a way? For me it does. It would be amazing if you could write something nice inside of the card and make them feel even better.
My next idea on how to raise money is by doing raffles. There are people doing raffles all around town all the time, so they are pretty popular. Each raffle ticket will cost $2, we write down your phone number and then you are in the draw to win a prize. We have different prizes you could win, like a chocolate hamper, laundry hamper, etc. How do people win? When we do the last of the phone numbers, the lines on where we write the phone numbers on will have a number to the left. For example,   the three numbers from 1- 378 would be drawn out at random and these numbers would have a phone number, we call them and tell them about the prize they have won and where they can receive the prize from.

My last idea on how to help the people in Australia with the fires is to donate not only money but food and water. You are probably wondering, but couldn’t they just use the money? They can’t if shops aren’t open and they have no way of getting there. Giving them food and water would keep their bodies healthy and strong. 

All the money from these donations would be given to the people in need in Australia to help get what they had back. These people can use the money in whatever way they want, it just has to be appropriate to the topic.
Week Two- Day Five | Leading by Example
Activity 2
For this activity, we would like you to follow in their footsteps and perform a random act of kindness.
On your blog, describe your random act of kindness. What did you do? How did the person react? How did it make you feel?

There are many things I could do to help another person. Throughout the years I have done many things like, rubbish clean-ups, local library helping, and giving company to the elders. One thing that I do a lot is helping my Mum. This can be from bringing in the rubbish bin to luxing the house, doing the dishes, mowing the lawns, helping with dinner, etc. My mother works from six to seven hours a day and has to come home to a family of six and cook dinner, so she is a full-on working Mum. I do what I do because her coming home and not having to do as much as she would of, is a big relief for her and creates more happiness within the family as well as time for herself. 
My Mum always has a big smile on her face when she sees that there are no dishes in the sink on the bench, the floor is clean and the house is overall tidy. With everything, she is given or helped with she is always so grateful and says a big ‘ thank you’. I always do this not expecting anything in return, but she usually gives me a little pocket money for my hard work.
Doing this for my Mum made me really happy because when she is happy, the whole family is happy. Doing things around the house, to help my Mum, also feels like I have done something great to help her and I feel relaxed myself.

Week Two- Day Five | Choose your own
Activity 3
For this activity, choose one person and read all about them.
On your blog, provide us with:
  1. The name of the person
  2. A description of the work they do/have done
  3. An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others
There are so many different types of activists I can choose from to do this task. If I had to choose, I would pick David Attenborough. David Attenborough is a well-known man for his voice-overs, with animals, news and a climate change activist.
A climate change activist is a collective of nongovernmental groups of people engaged in activism to do with climate change. These types of people are great at telling stories and aware people about how the world is changing and what is changing.

David Attenborough’s work impacts on the lives of animals and humans. David informs and persuades people on what it happening to Earth and what we could do to help. He spreads messages in articles, news and does speech’s live. This impacts animals because the temperatures and the changes in the world that is happening are suited to their lifestyles and his work is causing people to make a change which is helping the animals. David’s work impacts humans too because he changes the outlook on what people may have thought of the world to something even better. By people listening to what he has to say, it makes people think for longer than a second, about how horrible climate change is the futures of people. This causes us to immediately make a change to what we are doing such as carbon monoxide, fossil fuels, plastics, etc.


  1. Hi Jennae,

    Wow, Great job with Week Two, Day Five, Everyday Hero's! I love all of Your ideas and how much You have explained all of Your ideas! I really like the idea of donating money to charity so I think that putting the little plastic containers at shops like the Warehouse would be really cool.

    Keep up the awesome work Jennae and I look forward to reading more of Your work!

    Caitlyn :)

    1. Kia ora Caitlyn,

      Thank you for the comment! If you had to help the people in Australia would you do the same as what I wrote or do something different?


    2. Kia ora Caitlyn,

      Thank you for the comment! If you had to help the people in Australia would you do the same as what I wrote or do something different?

    3. Yes. I would definitely do the same as You would.

  2. Jennae
    I saw an article about your blog on the education gazette, and then followed the link, when I first saw it I thought that it was written by a teacher, very impressed by the quality and the depth of the writing that you have presented. Fantastic to see that you've attempted to suggest solutions to the issues that have been raised.
    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, South Taranaki.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.