Friday, 27 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey | Week Two- Day Five ( Activities 1, 2 and 3)

Week Two- Day Five |  Everyday heroes
Activity 1
For this activity, please brainstorm at least five ways we could support the people who are affected by the fires in New South Wales, Australia. You could think of ways to raise money, things to send them, and ways to keep them feeling positive.
On your blog, share your brainstorm of ideas and create a video or audio recording of yourself explaining each idea.
Watching the news and reading articles and newspapers about what is happening to our world ( in particular Australia) is devastating and people like me who aren’t affected need to send help straight away. The fires are spreading, houses are burning down, and people are losing everything they have. So we need to make a difference and help these people.

When you lose something, in this case your house, you need money to get some of that back. Raising money is a great idea and something we should start with to help. 
How can we raise money?
You know those plastic containers at your local supermarkets with a picture of an animal, this is a donation box. This is where people can choose to drop in any amount of money they want to help anyone or anything in need.
In my town, we have a place called the Warehouse. When you get to the checkout where you pay for your items, every now and then the staff members ask if you would like to donate $2 to some type of charity to help something or someone’s. We could do something like that to get people to know that there are people out there in the world who need our help, and for them to at least think about donating some type of money would be fine.
My next idea on how we could raise money is by television ads. Spreading a message or a video countrywide or worldwide would be a fantastic idea. How can we raise money by a television ad? Well, that’s easy! Inside of the ad, there could be a link at the bottom of the screen to where you can go and donate money online. I haven’t seen anything like this before, but it wouldn’t hurt to try it out.
When certain people or a certain person is going through a rough time, they need support more than anything. What I mean by support is being there for them and just helping them. When feeling down, when that one person helps and supports you  it feels great doesn’t it , just to have someone by your side. How would you think it would feel to have most of the world supporting you?

When being in a rough state, they least you need it negativity. Have you ever been given negativity when you are in a rough state? I have, and no one else should experience that too. When you meet these people or you know them, do not give them any negativity, give them positivity. Say things like ‘everything will be okay’ or ‘don’t give up, your almost there!’. Saying things like this always puts a smile on someone's face and makes them feel that little bit better about the situation they are involved with. Even giving things like compliments makes them feel better about themselves, and if they aren’t happy, help them be happy.
There is nothing as good as been given some type of gift. When I am given a gift or a card, I am always extremely grateful for it because I don’t get many. When been given something, does it make you feel special in a way? For me it does. It would be amazing if you could write something nice inside of the card and make them feel even better.
My next idea on how to raise money is by doing raffles. There are people doing raffles all around town all the time, so they are pretty popular. Each raffle ticket will cost $2, we write down your phone number and then you are in the draw to win a prize. We have different prizes you could win, like a chocolate hamper, laundry hamper, etc. How do people win? When we do the last of the phone numbers, the lines on where we write the phone numbers on will have a number to the left. For example,   the three numbers from 1- 378 would be drawn out at random and these numbers would have a phone number, we call them and tell them about the prize they have won and where they can receive the prize from.

My last idea on how to help the people in Australia with the fires is to donate not only money but food and water. You are probably wondering, but couldn’t they just use the money? They can’t if shops aren’t open and they have no way of getting there. Giving them food and water would keep their bodies healthy and strong. 

All the money from these donations would be given to the people in need in Australia to help get what they had back. These people can use the money in whatever way they want, it just has to be appropriate to the topic.
Week Two- Day Five | Leading by Example
Activity 2
For this activity, we would like you to follow in their footsteps and perform a random act of kindness.
On your blog, describe your random act of kindness. What did you do? How did the person react? How did it make you feel?

There are many things I could do to help another person. Throughout the years I have done many things like, rubbish clean-ups, local library helping, and giving company to the elders. One thing that I do a lot is helping my Mum. This can be from bringing in the rubbish bin to luxing the house, doing the dishes, mowing the lawns, helping with dinner, etc. My mother works from six to seven hours a day and has to come home to a family of six and cook dinner, so she is a full-on working Mum. I do what I do because her coming home and not having to do as much as she would of, is a big relief for her and creates more happiness within the family as well as time for herself. 
My Mum always has a big smile on her face when she sees that there are no dishes in the sink on the bench, the floor is clean and the house is overall tidy. With everything, she is given or helped with she is always so grateful and says a big ‘ thank you’. I always do this not expecting anything in return, but she usually gives me a little pocket money for my hard work.
Doing this for my Mum made me really happy because when she is happy, the whole family is happy. Doing things around the house, to help my Mum, also feels like I have done something great to help her and I feel relaxed myself.

Week Two- Day Five | Choose your own
Activity 3
For this activity, choose one person and read all about them.
On your blog, provide us with:
  1. The name of the person
  2. A description of the work they do/have done
  3. An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others
There are so many different types of activists I can choose from to do this task. If I had to choose, I would pick David Attenborough. David Attenborough is a well-known man for his voice-overs, with animals, news and a climate change activist.
A climate change activist is a collective of nongovernmental groups of people engaged in activism to do with climate change. These types of people are great at telling stories and aware people about how the world is changing and what is changing.

David Attenborough’s work impacts on the lives of animals and humans. David informs and persuades people on what it happening to Earth and what we could do to help. He spreads messages in articles, news and does speech’s live. This impacts animals because the temperatures and the changes in the world that is happening are suited to their lifestyles and his work is causing people to make a change which is helping the animals. David’s work impacts humans too because he changes the outlook on what people may have thought of the world to something even better. By people listening to what he has to say, it makes people think for longer than a second, about how horrible climate change is the futures of people. This causes us to immediately make a change to what we are doing such as carbon monoxide, fossil fuels, plastics, etc.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Week Two- Day Two | A long walk to freedom
Activity 1

For this activity, please imagine that you are Mr. Mandela and that you are living at Robben Island prison. You have been given a journal and each night you write in it.
On your blog, write a journal entry imagining that you are Mr Mandela. What do you think he did each day? How did he feel? Include as much detail as you can in the journal entry.
I feel very isolated in here, very cold and lonely, feeling completely shut off from the outside world. I have been sitting on this very same mattress for hours, thinking about what to write, looking up at every crack in the concrete walls, looking for a way out. I had my first meal this morning, I’m still quite hungry, my stomach has been rumbling a lot every now and then. Eating prison food made me miss the meals my wife makes for me back at home. In about 20 minutes everyone will be let out into the courtyard for a one hour break.  
I’m back, I had to stop writing, the prison guard opened my door, and said I could come out. He had taken me out into the courtyard with the rest of the prisoners, taking a seat at a table and making conversation. It wasn’t very easy, but we ended up playing a short game of cards, then moving onto playing some football.

Week Two- Day Two |School strike for climate
Activity 2

For this activity, we would like you to explore the School Strike for Climate Australia website.
On your blog, list three facts (things) that you learned, and include a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.

Looking through this website I have recapped most of my knowledge but haven’t learned anything. Reading this website has made me think more about what is happening all around the world to do with climate change. Other countries are also facing this problem and realizing now that we need to work together to stop it. 

This website just shows some statements of what people think of  Scott Morrison not helping the city at all, and apparently going on holiday. I read through these statements and little articles more than once to see if I missed anything but I couldn’t seem to find out any new information, it was all the things I have already learned.

Week Two- Day Two | “I have a dream”
Activity 3
For this activity, please consider the problem that black men and women faced in America at this time.
On your blog, describe the problem. What did Rosa Parks do about the problem? How did other people react?
In America there are heaps of problems they were facing back then and now. One of the main problems was segregation. Segregation means the action of someone or something apart from others. In America, many people wanted equality for people of colour. This meant that different races of people could sit with others that were different colours than them. In America this was not allowed, it was part of the law to be away from different people, and if you have chosen not to obey this law you could get arrested.
One day a 42-year-old woman called Rosa Parks chose to take a bus trip back home for the Montgomery fair. On buses, the rules were that white people were to sit at the front and black people sat at the back of the bus. Rosa walked onto the bus, and sat at the front, where she is not supposed to be, due to having a different colour of skin. White people kept asking her to move and for her to give up her seat, but she refused to move. Many people had done this in the past and were arrested and so was Rosa. Rosa’s courage and decision changed the country and helped people see what was happening and helped change the law and for people to stand by her and agree. 

Week Two- Day Three | The right to vote
Activity 1
For this activity, let’s imagine that the government decides to create a new $10 bank note and replace Kate with a picture of a different New Zealand woman.
On your blog, tell us who you think the government should put on the new $10 note. Please provide us with a picture of this amazing woman and a short explanation of why you have selected her as Kate Sheppard’s replacement.

Kate shepherd was an amazing woman. 126 years ago, she made the right for women to vote. She believed that every vote counts and that everyone should have a say in their future. There are many amazing women in New Zealand that could replace Kate Shepherd spot with the $10 note, but if I had to choose, it would be my Mum.
My Mum is an incredible woman when it comes to anything. She is always there to drop me at sport practises, friends places and when it rains, she drives me around to do my paper run. In my household we have a family of six and she still manages to handle us with ease. There are times when she needs help with some things, but she does a lot of work behind the scenes for our family. If anyone could take Kate Shepherds place on the $10 note, I think that it should be my Mum.

Week Two- Day Three |The Right to an Education
Activity 2
For this activity, we would like you like you to write a short story. The story can be about anything that you wish but to receive full points it must be at least 10 sentences long!
On your blog, share your short story. We can’t wait to read it!
One day when I was about three years of age, I wanted to go and play outside. Running around the yard, kicking a ball and just having fun. I stopped playing, heading over to the flowers. Picking them out one by one, creating a circle on the ground with various types of flowers. Daisies, roses, sunflowers were all there, beautiful vibrant colours together in one. Looking up, starting  to run, along the driveway and into the house. I began to yell, “Kayla! Kayla?”
“Yes?” she replied.
“Quick, come out to see what I made!” I yelled with excitement as I ran out the door. Kayla had no chance but to come and have a look at what I had made. I waited for Kayla to come but she didn’t show then I heard a voice saying, “ Jennae, quick come here, come have a look at what I found.” I ran as fast as I could, stopping at a big green fir tree. “ It’s a white tail spider!  It’s cool isn’t it? “ questioned Kayla. Without any hesitation, I went for the spider sitting on her hand, bringing my hand to my mouth and in the spider goes. The cruncy, juicy taste and the squirming sound rings in my ears. Kayla stood there in shock, mouth hanging down wide. The spider chewed up into a million tiny pieces, swallowing all that was sitting in my mouth. “Now can you have a look at what I made?” I asked.

 Week Two- Day Three | Belle Of The Ball
Activity 3
For this activity, choose a book that you like and write a short review of it. In the review, tell us what the book is about and what you like about it.
On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book.
Week Two- Day Four |Guiding principles
Activity 1
For this activity, read through the seven whakataukī (proverbs or metaphors) presented in this document. Choose one that has meaning for you. Create a poster that features the whakataukī and be sure to include at least one image (a drawing or photograph) on the poster that represents the whakataukī that you chose.
On your blog, share your poster of your whakataukī.

Week Two- Day Four | Celebrating diversity
Activity 2
For this activity we are going to become more familiar with some of these amazing indigenous communities. Please click on the links below to learn more about these fascinating groups.
Once you have finished learning about these groups, please choose the two that interest you the most.
On your blog tell us the names of the two groups that you chose and then tell us at least two interesting facts about each group. To earn full points, you must provide two facts about both groups - 4 facts in total.
Looking through these links and finding out about other cultures was very interesting. It’s amazing how much people still use the languages within them. There were two links that were more interesting and the two I  enjoyed more about. The links were called ‘ Ainu People ‘ and the ‘Papuan People’.
A fact I found out about the Ainu People is that, in September 2007, the UN (United Nation) declaration on the Rights Of Indigenous Peoples was finally adopted. This means that these people recognised how important different cultures and languages are to certain people so they had given people the right to carry on using the Ainu culture and let people speak the languages.
A fact I found out about the Papuan People was that, inside of their population,  the majority of people are Christian, alothough the beliefs still remain strong and reports of religious discrimination are rare.
Week Two- Day Four | Wise words
Activity 3
For this activity, please identify someone in your life who is a role model to you. This could be a parent, grandparent, neighbour, minister, imam, rabbi, etc. Please ask them to share one piece of wisdom (advice) with you that they think you and your blog readers should hear.
On your blog, share this wisdom with your readers.
If I had to choose one person in my life who I thought was a role model to me, it would definitely be my mother. Through the 13 years that I have known her, she has been the best role model ever known. How?
 It’s almost like my Mum has superpowers because when things get hard and nearly impossible she fights through it with everything she has. My mother and I are very close, and I talk to her about everything, well, almost. She has the kindest heart and always sees the best in people even when at times they aren’t. My Mum at several times during the year, gives of herself, with either baking to teachers throughout my school or even on holidays like Christmas, she does up little gifts to people around the neighborhood.  My mother does this with kindness, and doesn’t expect anything back from it. This proves she truly is an amazing person. Her being involved with a family of six and beyond, how she copes is truly incredible and the way she handles and takes care of us is unbelievable. So what could you do to be a great role model to others?
My mother's piece of advice ( wisdom): “ Make every day count.”

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey ( Week Two, Day One activities 1, 2 and 3)

Week Two- Day One | Playing Favourites
Activity 1
For this activity, create a list of your ‘Top 5’ favourite things to do and take a photo of yourself doing each of these things.
On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.
Doing this task has made me think about what my top 5 favourite things are. In my life I am pretty busy, at some point during this year, everyday of the week was taken up with sports practises and games. There are so many things I love to do but I mostly love to…
-Play the keyboard -Sports ( touch, basketball, netball,hockey, rugby, rugby league). -Bouncing on the trampoline -Tumbling ( Gymnastics) - Do my paper run
Playing the keyboard
Sport ( Netball)
Doing my paper run
Bouncing on the trampoline

Gymnastics ( tumbling

Week Two- Day One | Maths Riddle
Activity 2
For this activity, we would like you to calculate Jessa’s age when she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award. She was born on 7 April 1985 and she received the award on 9 July 2010. Please provide the answer to this question in years, months and days (eg. 20 years, 6 months and 2 days).
On your blog, please post both your final answer and an explanation of how you solved this maths problem. You could write your explanation, or use screencastify to record yourself explaining how you solved it.
There are many ways I could of figured this question out but it wasn’t very hard at all. I first started off with the years. I went, 2010 ( the year Jessa got the award) subtract the year she was born which gave me answer 25 years. For months, since Jessa was born on July 7th, I went , the 7th of April, 7th of May, right up to the 7th of July. From 7th of April to 7th of July from what I figured out its 3 months exactly. Jessa wasn’t awarded this award on the 7th of July, she got the award on the 9th of July, so then for the days it was two. So Jessa was 25 years, 3 months and 2 days old when we was given the award on the 7th of July 2010.
Week Two- Day One | ‘Dear Jacinda’
Activity 3
For this activity, please write a letter that includes the issue you have chosen, why you have chosen it, and what you would like our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, to do about it. It is your job to persuade us (and her!) that it’s an important issue.
On your blog, share your letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
I have chosen to right a ltter to Jacinda Ardern about climate change because it is one of the major issues in New Zealabd that is happening and needs to be fixed right away.
Dear Jacinda,
Have you ever considered doing something about climate change? Climate change is when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere cause temperature patterns to heat up and trigger the environment to change around us. Climate change is a major issue all throughout the world, but if New Zealanders take action now we can change that.
Most companies have tried to stop using plastics and non-biodegradable items, but we need to completely get rid of them. Things like, containers, straws, bottles, bags, can all be changed from plastics into cardboard or paper quite easily.
The main reason why people don’t want to do these things is because of the costs involved. Paying for things that would make a positive difference to our world would be a great thing to do, but the money individuals, companies and governments need to spend is hard for some people. To prevent this from happening anymore we could start to create charities and donations where people can donate any amount of money they want to help our country and even bigger our world. Another reason New Zealanders can resolve this is the governments taking a little more money out the money people get paid for working, just like taxes. 
Did you know that in 2014, there were 1.2 billion drivers in the world? Can you even imagine how much carbon monoxide is being produced in the world? All vehicles release a lot of gases every time you turn on your car and drive around. Even doing manageable things like walking, biking or using buses for loads of people to use at once would be an improvement.
 To tell people in New Zealand what you and the government are going to do to help, we need to spread this around the country. We can do that by the news, papers, articles on shop windows, and even on ads when being online. We need to spread what everyone needs to do to help and governments and companies too, fast, before climate change becomes unbearable and incapable to handle.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Week One- Day Three | Team players
Activity 1

For this activity, let’s imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. What three superpowers would you most like to have?
On your blog, please list the three superpowers, tell us why you have chosen each one, and tell us what you are going to do with them.
There are many superpowers I can choose to do like, being able to fly, etc. Looking at what I am set to do on this task has really made me think about this topic, but if there were three superpowers I could choose from they would definitely be time travel, teleportation and invisibility.
If I could have the superpower of time travel there would be many reasons why I would want to choose it. What is time travel? Time travel is a superpower where you can travel/ go back to the past or to the future. I would want to have the superpower of time travel because if something bad is going to happen or has happened, I would be able to fix it. 
Being able to have the superpower of teleportation would be amazing and something I would definitely want to do. I would want to have this superpower because being able to teleport or get somewhere faster would be very helpful. Like running a race, travelling, and always being on the scene when something happens.
Having the ability to be invisible would be so funny and a great superpower to have.  I definitely would want to have this superpower because you could listen to what people were talking about, mess around with people and scare them, and find out what might be going on ahead of time.

Week One- Day Three | Defying the odds
For this activity, we would like you to imagine that you had the chance to interview LeBron James, Steven Adams or another basketball player of your choice.
On your blog, tell us who you would interview and then provide a list of five questions that you would like to ask your chosen player.
If I had the opportunity of interviewing a certain basketball player, anywhere in the world I would choose to interview Kevin Durant. Kevin durant is well known for being a professional basketball player with an amazing talent with great skills. If I could ask him five questions in the interview I would ask him….
How did you get into the love of basketball?
Who helped you get to where you are now?
What has been the hardest thing involving your basketball career?
What did you do before becoming a professional basketball player?
What makes or helps you carry on playing?

Week One- Day Three | Achieving our Dreams
Activity 3
For this activity, choose a friend or family member and ask them what their dream job would be. Please then brainstorm six ways in which you could support them in achieving their dream job.
On your blog, present your ideas as a poster or infographic.
For this task I will be asking my Mum about her dream job.
When my mother was my age she has wanted to be an air hostess/ Flight attendant and still wanting to be.  I began to wonder why she might what this job, so I asked her. She replied with, “ Well, being a flight attendant would include me being  around new people and getting to know them, handing out ordered food and lollies, being able to care for someone and also to see new parts of the world.”
My mother doing this job she would need some support in some way, so here is the link to a poster with my ideas on how I can support my mother with her dream job.
Week One- Day Four|Making a racket|
Activity 1
By watching this video of Serena and Venus Williams I have learned many things and still have questions to ask. Serena and Venus are two sisters who both have the love of playing tennis.
 When I watched this video I learned that Serena is ranked #1 for the most paid woman tennis player and Venus is ranked #5.  
Next I learned that Serena and Venus have been wanting equal pay for a long time but just can’t seem to get it. Serena is the most paid women tennis player but within the highest paid athletes she is ranked #51. This shows that men get a better pay than women in tennis so they want equality.
Lastly, I learned that Serena and Venus got into the career leading up to tennis by their devoted father who made sure they succeed with everything they choose to do.
If I had to ask Serena and Venus a question about themselves I would ask, at what age did you start to recognise that you wanted this as a career?
Week One- Day Four | What’s in a name?
Activity 2
For this activity, imagine that you were allowed to change your name to anything that you wanted.
On your blog, tell us what you would change your name to and why you would choose that name.
Looking at this task has made me wonder, If I was allowed, would I change my name? The name I was given at birth was ‘Jennae’. If I had to change my name I would want the name that my mum originally wanted me to have because her mother’s mother which is my great grandmother had it and it's very special to her and myself. The name is Amelia.
Giving this more thought If I was able to change it or had to I wouldn’t. The name anyone is given at birth is so special because your parents gave it to you and should hold onto it forever. Not only is it special but the name will have come from somewhere meaning something else too.

Week One- Day Four| Worth her weight in gold
Activity 3
For this activity, imagine that you were asked to create a travel brochure for Tonga (or a country that is important to you). On the brochure, include lots of great tips about what to see and do in the country.
On your blog, post your finished copy of your brochure.
Below is the link to the brochure I made about a special place to me called New Zealand.

Week One- Day Five | National treasure
Activity 1
For this activity, we would like to learn more about the things that are important to you.
On your blog, please share three things that you treasure and say why they are treasures to you.
Since I was born and up to now  and have treasured many different types of gifts, objects and items.
The first thing I treasure the most is my education because i’ m aware that some people don’t get those types of opportunities. When being in a classroom, surrounded by teachers and my classmates  I sit there thinking to myself, how do we all have a great chance of education. Being able to learn new things is an amazing privilege and having the chance to learn from mistakes and to never give up is incredible. Thinking about it now, teachers do their job because this is what they want to do with their lives and also giving up their time making sure that most students have a wonderful education  better than the ones the teachers may have been provided.

The next thing I treasure the most is my life. I treasure my life because it is an amazing thing that my  parents created for me to have.. Having the chance to explore the world, do what I love and have the best years when being alive is such an honor.
The last thing that I treasure is my family. Looking up, down, left or right, they're always there and without them I probably won’t be here right now.  Just like stars. We have helped each other through so much, although we still have our little fights every now and then, we still love each other. Family is what everyone has, they are going to be the most important people in life who have great care. I am so lucky to have such a kind and loving family that I truly am grateful for.

Week One- Day Five | Swimming to safety
Activity 2
For this activity, listen to the podcast of Yusra Mardini, or read her story on her personal website.
On your blog, retell the story of this amazing young woman from Syria.
During the war, a girl named Yusra and her elder sister, were living in Syria. At this time there was a war taking place so Yusra and her elder sister fled the Syrian war and set off on a dangerous journey. Yusra and her sister needed to find safety well away from the war, so I talked about where they should go and they decided to go to Europe. In Summer 2015, they travelled from Lebanon to Turkey before departing to Greece.To get to Greece Yusra and her sister had to be seated in an overcrowded dingdy.
 Fifteen to twenty minutes into the sea crossing, the engine boat stopped working and failed. Once Yusra had heard what the problem was, she needed to help right away. Yusra being a professional swimmer, she didn’t want any of the other passengers to not make it and possibly drown. Yusra, her sister and two other people onboard jumped out of the dinghy and swam alongside the waves  for three and a half hours to prevent their dinghy from capsizing and her actions helped saved twenty people.
For Yusra and her amazing story she has been recognised and has been given numerous awards for what she had done. Yusra was even invited to the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016. Reading Yusra’s story, is there something you could do to help that will have a great impact on others?
Week One- Day Five |Own Choice
Activity 3

For this activity, please choose one person (a changemaker) and read all about them.
On your blog, provide us with:
  1. The name of the person
  2. A description of the work they do/have done
  3. An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others
There are numerous changemakers all throughout the world that have done incredible things that impacts other people greatly.This year I have learned a lot about different changemakers in the world, but in particular Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was an amazing man who changed the lives of many, with his   full name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. This man did many things in his work, but he was well known for being an Indian lawyer.
How did Mahatma Gandhi change the world and impact so many people? This man has done so much to help others, not only because he was a lawyer and stood by people but in other reasons too. In those days there was no equality. Everyone had different opportunities given to them and some none at all. Different races of people weren’t allowed on buses, weren’t allowed an education and couldn’t reveal any of their bodies, they had to be fully covered. Mahatma Gandhi wanted the best for everyone, mostly to be happy, so he did. Mahatma Gandhi put messages out into the world, that helped people be noticed and helped others equally. Not only was he a civil rights leader but he also created freedom for so many people.
Many people are now living happily and freely everywhere in the world and I would assume that everyone would be grateful for his actions.